Thursday 13 December 2007

Victoria - 9 Days Left

“Save Baseball” Chairman Raps Non-Official Sales
[Victoria Colonist, Jan. 23, 1952]
Frank Ireland, chairman of the “Save Baseball” drive, last night voiced a protest against a house sale campaign purportedly being held in conjunction with the drive.
“The campaign has not been approved by the Athletic Booster Club, sponsor of the drive, or the baseball club, and is in no way connected with the drive,” he said. “But if the person conducting the campaign wishes to donate $25,00 to the fund, that will be all right with us.”
Ireland said expected to receive a report today on what part the Victoria Junior Chamber of Commerce would take in the drive. He met chamber officials last night, appealing for their help in canvassing business organizations for support of the drive.
The Booster Club drive itself is directed toward the general public and officials report their efforts already rewarded with pledges or donations in excess of $2,000. The drive has nine days left and anyone wishing to contribute and who has not been reached personally is asked to call G 4890 or B 5632.
Meanwhile, Booster Club officials and retiring directors of the baseball club hope to receive clarification of certain points concerning retention of the franchise when they meet league president Bob Abel this morning. Abel will arrive in Victoria on the morning boat from Seattle.

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